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[council] [chon@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr: [ga] Committee E: Global Awareness and Outreach -- revised draft charter]

please tread the following revised charter proposal as the report to 
General Assembly and Names Council in Santiago ICANN Meeting.

there are only 11 members in the Committee E now, and it will take some time
before we can move in top gear.  we plan to hold a face-to-face meeting in


----- Forwarded message from Kilnam Chon <chon@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr> -----

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Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 16:17:16 +0900
From: Kilnam Chon <chon@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr>
To: ga@dnso.org
Subject: [ga] Committee E: Global Awareness and Outreach -- revised draft charter
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here is the revised charter for Committee E Global Awareness and Outreach.

we need to have participation from all regions and all constituencies to be
a valid Committee under DNSO.  we are missing Latin America, and several
constituencies(ISP, IP, Commercial, gTLD, Registrar).  please join the
committee, and participate actively.

we are planning the face-to-face meeting in Santiago, possibly on Tueasdy
24th over lunch, too.



		Committee E
		Global Awareness and Outreach


1. This note will be posted on the www.dnso.org website, and sent to DNSO 
   General Assembly mailing list, ga@dnso.org as well as the committee-e 
   mailing list, wg-e@dnso.org.

2. Anyone can participate.  Please subscribe to the wg-e@dnso.org mailing list
   through majordomo@dnso.org.  See www.dnso.org website for further 
   information.  We would like to have participation from all regions as well
   as all constituencies.

3. The designated provisional Names Council co-chair is Nii Quaynor, and 
   the other provisional co-chair is Kilnam Chon.  Once sufficient number of 
   participants are gathered, the co-chair election will take place.  This 
   shall be done no later than August 31, 1999.

4. Two groups are tentatively created; 

	Group 1: General Assembly
	Group 2: Constituency

5. The timeframe is as follows;

	July 07		Initial draft charter of Committee E
	July 15		Initial Co-chair nomination
	Aug - Oct	Work on recommendation
	August 23	Face-to-Face Meeting
	September 15	Posting of Recommendation


Committee E Awareness and Outreach is requested to develop a recommendation
responding to the following questions:

1. Generic Issues

a. Target

Who are we looking for; professional and/or netizen?  Who we do not want?

b. Awareness

What is the message?  What information do we want to be known?  Who are we
addressing?  What publication media shall we use?  What public relation 
activities are needed?  Is face-to-face presentation necessary in addition
to contact through the Internet?

c. Outreach

How do we make iteasy to become a member?  How do we attract the interest of
potential members?  What would potential members want?  What verification do 
we want for members?  What obligations do members have?
How dowe communciate, advertise?  How do we leverage on other organizations?
How do we handle multilingual issues?  What additional effort do we need for
developing countries?
2. General Assembly Specific
a. Target 

Who are we looking for? Who we do not want? How is a GA member different from 
ICANN At-Large member? Why must one join? What benefits for member? 
What is lost if one doesn't join?
b. Awareness
What is the message? What information do we want to be known? Who are we 
addressing; potential General Assembly member or wider Internet community? 
How do we know(measure) progress in awareness? What are geographic objectives?
c. Outreach

How do we make it easy to become a member? How do we attract the interest of 
potential members? What would potential members want? What verification do 
we want for members? What obligations do members have? How do we communicate, 
advertizing and how? How do we leverage on other organizations? 
Which organizations? Other channels eg. registries?

3. Constituency Specific 
a. Target

Who can be a member? Is there a potential members list? What are benefits 
to members? Is sponsorship permitted and which type?

b. Awareness
What messages are sent to audience? How do we monitor progress in awareness? 
What are geographic objectives? Is there a critical mass goal (number of 
members in constituency) ?
c. Outreach
What does it require to become a member? How do we make membership attractive? 
What would potential members want? How do we simplify application process? 
How do we communicate, advertizing and how? Direct contacts?

  Kilnam Chon		chon@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr		ccTLD
  Nii Quaynor		quaynor@ghana.com		ccTLD
  Jeff Graber		jgraber@usa.net			NCDNHC
  Maya Bottin		Maya.Bottin@etsi.fr		GA
  Craig Simon   	cls@flywheel.com		NCDNHC
  Tarek Kamel		tkamel@idsc.gov.eg		NCDNHC
  Roeland Meyer		rmeyer@mhsc.com			GA
  Youn Jung Park	yjpark@nic.or.kr		NCDNHC
  Karl Auerbach		karl@CaveBear.com		GA


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