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[council] Summary of AAA's concerns on NC elections
As my previous ma9l was sort of a river (yes, I am a Latin and we use
language as other use oxygen...) I will try to summarise my personal
concerns regarding the NC elections and their possible impcat on the
legitimacy of the ICANN Board elections, following YH's thoughts and questions.
A) gTLD registries, ccTLD registirtes have already elected the
permanent NC for all pruposes
B) registrars, ISPC and B&CC will select the permaenent NC reps in due time
C) NCDNH and IPC have not expresed their commitment to select the
permanent NC reps prior to the ICABB Direcortrs election (and rumours
say that they will probably no, even if we don't have cofnirmation
within NC).
D) ccTÑDs permanent representtion fails to abide to the geographical
diversity requirements. This is also the case for the current IPC
representation. We still dn't know whether the new NC members form
registrars, ISPC and B&CC will abide to that requirement, even if the
consituencies have expressed their intention to comply with it.
Under this light I would personnally be very unhappy if the Directors
are elected by a NC where at least three consituencies reps are in
failure with the estblished rules.
If, and only if, this is the situation, I would like proposing that
A) NC asks the Board to limit each consituency votes for the Directors
slection to the maximum number of differeet regions their permanent
reps have (example: ccTLDs will only have two votes as thir reps come
form only tow regions; IPC would have only one...)
B) Consituenciesd that still have the provisional reps sitting in the
NC at the time of the Direcxtors elections should only be allowed to
express one vote, as they have failed to organize the permanent NC
reps selection.
My goal is indeed to limit the cirticism we would fce if we allow a
mixture of permanent and provisional NC members to vote in this
importnat isuse, as well as putting some pressure on those
consituencies whcih not abide to the geographical diversity rule (or
any ohter one for that purpose) in order to get in line with the Bylaws.
Just one proposal to be discuussed. What should be clear from now on
is that I oppose any solution that would imply delyas in the
elections. Only those failing to comply with the rules should bear the
burden of their own lack of comliiance, not the whole institution.
This is the basic rule about responsibility and liabiltiy.....
Start shooting....
Amadeu, who finally decided to catch up with NC archives instead of sleeping.....
PS: I would appreciate if NCDNH, B&CC and IPC could clarify their
schedule or lack therof regarding the permanent NC elections.