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[council] LA Schedule and tech

Elisabeth and NC Members:

Here's my summary of DNSO room requirements for the LA meetings. I
understand that the constituency groups will be meeting *eiher* in the
morning or the afternoon, but for the moment I am keeping those rooms
reserved all day.  The number after the event indicates the number of people
expected to attend.

Please notify me and Josh of corrections where appropriate:

Monday morning (1/11/99)
- IANA/ccTLD meeting (50)
- gTLD (5)
- IPC (25)
- Business & commercial (25)
- Non-commercial (50)
- Registrars (50)
- ISPs (25)

Monday afternoon :
- ccTLD constituency (50)
- gTLD (5)
- IPC (25)
- Business & commercial (25)
- Non-commercial (50)
- Registrars (50)
- ISPs (25)

Monday evening:
- WG-E (25)

Tuesday morning (2/11/99)
- DNSO GA (auditorium)

Tuesday afternoon
- DNSO Names Council (auditorium)

While the meeting rooms themselves will essentially be free, the rental of
any audio-visual and/or broadcasting equipment will cost money.  (Overhead &
LCD projectors;  microphones;  telephone set-ups;  etc.)  For the
constituency group and WG meetings, ICANN cannot advance (yet again) the
funds for such needs, particularly since the DNSO has accrued substantial
unpaid debts for the Santiago meetings.  Accordingly, any such arrangements
should be made directly with the hotel (and funded directly, as well).  Josh
Elliott <elliott@isi.edu> can provide you with the relevant contact

Best regards,
