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[council] Election No. 3


My sincere congratulations to Amadeu on his election.

OK - two elections completed

Now - on to Election no. 3.

The first round of the third election will start immediately - and indeed 
you should already have the e-mail voting paper.  This round will close 
at 14:00 CET on FRIDAY, 15 October 1999 - one hour before our NEXT 

There will be a period of one hour for consultation before the second 
round of this third election.  The second round will start at 15:00 CET and 
continue for 40 minutes until 15:40 CET.  Please try to have your vote 
sent to Elisabeth at least five minutes before this deadline.

The third round of this election will start at 15:45 CET and continue for 40 
minutes until 16:25 CET.  

The fourth round (if necessary) of this election will start at 16:30 CET and 
continue for 40 minutes until 17:10 CET.  The result of this fourth round 
will be posted at 17:15 CET.

If further rounds are necessary, they will be held on Monday next.

It is obviously important that votes are e-mailed to Elisabeth telephoned 
in to her before the deadlines if this schedule is to be kept.  I know this is 
difficult - as we saw today - but in fairness to all our colleagues on the 
Names Council please try to keep to the schedule.

Once again, my thanks to Elisabeth.


Dennis M. Jennings
Director, Computing Services, University College Dublin.
Address:  Daedalus Building, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
E-mail:  Dennis.Jennings@ucd.ie
Telephone:  +353-(1) 706 7817
Fax:        +353-(1) 706 2362