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[council] Summary of tasks at the DNSO Secretariat


I tried to summarize the Secretariat tasks, and estimate
the necessary time -- it is not easy at all. In the text below
"few hours" means one-two. The work is 7 days/week.
Your comments are welcome.


DNSO Secretariat, general and technical managements

Two main activities:
1. support for the NC, its WG's, GA
2. support for Constituencies, upon request, flexibility

Open on December 2nd 1999 at BNP Versailles, in $US and Euros.
XXXXXXXXX numbers removed

Ad 1. Support for the NC, its WG's, GA

Participation in the NC activities and teleconferences: agendas,
minutes, gathering information, contacting members on travel, setting a 
calendar of work. Setting up mailing lists for special purposes
and for a short time.

(8 hours/week for a week with the NC teleconference)

Management of GA-ga and GA-announcements lists, NC list, archiving.
Manual censorship of phones and private addresses from the NC
list before its publication. Reading GA-ga list. Browsing WG's lists.

(8 hours/week)

3. DNSO Web site creation and maintenance
Publishing NC agendas, minutes and documents, WG's reports.
Liaison with WG's chairs and with Constituencies.
Cooperative work with WG's on related documentation and its 
presentation on the website. Initial help to WG's chairs on 
the mailing list management.

(few hours/week)

Developping script-tools for ad-hoc votes or statistics.
Publishing periodical note from the Secretariat.
Service for the NC votes.

(during the vote for ICANN BoD: 8 hours/day, 7 days/week
few hours/week otherwise, depending on the necessity)

Responses to enquiry emails, solving distant problems related to 
emails and archiving (like constant Message-Id, help in 
subscribing or unsubscribing, complaints about spammers using 
GA-ga members lists). Facing spams and spoofing agressions. 
Denial of service. Maintaining contact with legal advisers (ICANN
and AFNIC).

(during the Nov 8-9 agression, 8 hours/day, few days
few hours/week otherwise, depending on the necessity)

Day to day supervision of mailing lists and logs.
Sorting out between e-mails sent to various lists and bounces
generated by disruptives participants.
Watching technical connectivity problems when sending e-mails
to various DNSO lists participants (discrimination between 
temporary and persistent problems).

(8 hours/week)

Backups and supervision of the dnso.org server by AFNIC system
team. Router access lists. Internet connectivity.
Software installation or upgrade when necessary. Operating
system patches when necessary.

(few hours/week)

Ad 2. Support for Constituencies, upon request, flexibility

Upon request, from the minimum URL to the distant separate 
Constituency Secretariat to hosting Constituency website 
and mailing lists, archived or not, open or accessible to 
restricted group.
Some Constituencies wish to provide material to be published,
some wish to work out their web pages with an access to the dnso.org.

Kent Crispin votebot has been installed and may be used by
whoever need it.