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[council] outlook express filters for objectionable e-mail

happy holidays everyone
i recognize that there are many of you who have extensive experience with programming and to those of you this may be a meaningless endeavor, but... many of us need some help to try to filter out objectionable e-mail (especially "spoofed" e-mail).
i have com upon a method which works remarkably well. it is based on the assumption that the person sending the mail (i.e. baptista or jeff williams) normally identifies themselves in the body of the letter.  here is what i do .....
start by creating a new folder in your inbox (using the commands under the "file -new-folder"... call it garbage
1. click on "tools" in your menu bar at the top
2. click on message rules - mail
3. click on "new" in the mail area and create a rule whereby in the body of the message contains "baptista" then move it to the specified folder and specify the folder to be the "garbage folder". i recommend using garbage rather than deleting the message immediately.
click on the ok button when finished
from now on whenever a message which has the name babtista or williams in the body of the message comes in it will automatically be forwarded to the garbage folder which you can review & clean up at your pleasure.
please remember that this rule will filter out any message with those names in them so that is why i suggested putting them in a garbage folder rather than outright deleting them. you can make the string more specific in item #3 above by specifying "joe babtista" rather than just babtista or "jeff williams" rather than williams.
please understand that this rule on works with e-mail whereby the name is identified in the body of the message. also remember that ANY message which has anywhere in the body the string of text you specified will be treated the same way (hence the use of the garbage folder to deal with inadvertent filtering)
this filter will work for all lists that you subscribe to and should take a bit of a burden off reading meaningless "spoofs"
hope these instructions are not too convoluted ...
best wishes for a happy holiday season to you all
ken stubbs 
Ken Stubbs
e-mail:  kstubbs@corenic.org
ICQ#: 18781607
Tel: 1 352 750-9776