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[council] LA meeting

John, I understand that you have the unenviable task of the logistical arrangements for the next ICANN meeting. At its last meeting the Names Council agreed to a set of guidelines for running meetings included in which is:


During in-person meetings, the NC Chair should be located so he/she can see all members. Specifically, the NC endorses a better seating arrangement for inter-NC communication than the "panel on a platform" favoured to date by host venues."

When you talk to the hotel about the seating arrangements which will I guess apply for the NC and the Board could you ask for this to be taken into account? A horseshoe arrangement, allowing the chair to see all members is one option. A more imaginative set up would be a centrally located hemisphere with audience on two sides. Why not challenge the hotel with this and see if the MdR Marriott can show imagination, flair and practicality in its service delivery?

Philip Sheppard
AIM - European Brands Association
9  av. des Gaulois  B-1040 Brussels
Tel +322 736 0305 Fax +322 734 6702

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