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RE: [council] Additional Melbourne Meeting Topic: Proposed Revisions to Agreements with VeriSign

I agree with Milton.

-----Original Message-----
From: Milton Mueller [mailto:Mueller@syr.edu]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 1:42 PM
To: council@dnso.org; touton@icann.org
Cc: roberts@icann.org
Subject: Re: [council] Additional Melbourne Meeting Topic: Proposed
Revisions to Agreements with VeriSign

Apropos of the earlier exchange between Roberts and Fausett: it looks to me
from Touton statement below that even though the Board will not make a
decision in Melbourne, the Board WILL make a decision a few weeks after
Melbourne. Thus, the Names Council and the public have only until Melbourne
to provide the Board with "comments and recommendations". 

I think Bret Fausett raised a significant point. All of these items should
be deferrred to the Stockholm meeting otherwise there simply will not be an
opportunity for constituencies to respond in an intelligible way.

>>> Louis Touton <touton@icann.org> 03/01/01 08:40AM >>>

The proposed revision will be discussed at the 12 March 2001 Public Forum in
Melbourne.  The Board expects to consider the matter at Melbourne, but to
take action on this topic in the weeks after the 
Melbourne meeting. In connection with the Board's consideration of this
revision, the Domain Name Supporting Organiation is requested to provide any
comments and recommendations it chooses to offer.

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