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[council] Results of ranking vote for Chair and Alternate Chair to the GA

[ To: ga@dnso.org, announce@dnso.org ]
[ To: ga-watchdog@dnso.org ]
[ To: council@dnso.org ]

Sunday, 8 April 2001, 19:30 Paris time.

Re: b04
Vote by the GA to advise the Names Council of its preferences
for a Chair and an Alternate Chair to the General Assembly

cf. http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/2001.DNSO-GAchair.html

The vote was conducted by the DNSO Secretariat using Instant Runoff Vote
according to the Election Rules adopted by the GA and published in:

The members to the Watchdog Committee in 2001 election are:
      Roberto Gaetano
      Harald Alvestrand
      Kent Crispin
      Dany Vandromme
      Alexander Svensson
      Izumi Aizu

The time for the vote was:

    * Begins: Saturday 31 March 2001, 16:00 UTC, 18:00 CET (Paris),
      (8:00 LA, 11:00 New York, 18:00 Paris, 01:00 next day Tokyo)
    * Ends: Saturday 7 April 2001, 16:00 UTC, 18:00 CET (Paris)
      (9:00 LA, 12:00 New York, 18:00 Paris, 01:00 next day Tokyo)

A. The final result:
The ranking by the GA of candidates for Chair and Alternate Chair
in year 2001:
     1. Danny Younger
     2. Patrick Corliss

B. Information about ballots received:
Number of ballots received: 102
Three (3) Delivery-Reports:
     1. K484cZ
     2. K5b66Z
     3. K7ce3Z
One (1) ballot empty:
     1. K25b3Z "I ABSTAIN." outside of BEGIN-END zone.
which adds to number of valid ballots, and increases majority
requirement in the first step.

C. Adjustements:
Besides trashing HTML format, the following adjustements were made:

1. b04:Kbe7dZ, line END__: completed
2. b04:K1801Z, splitted lines accolated
      > b04:K1801Z:[
      >] Danny Younger
   replaced by:
      > b04:K1801Z:[ 1 ] Danny Younger
      > b04:K1801Z:[
      >] Patrick Corliss
   replaced by:
      > b04:K1801Z:[ 2 ] Patrick Corliss
3. b04:Kd838Z, in the re-sent ballot, a perenthesis was missing, completed:
      >  b04:Kd838Z:[ 1 Danny Younger
   replaced by:
      >  b04:Kd838Z:[ 1] Danny Younger

D. Five (5) "x" adjustements:
Five (5) received ballots were with only one candidate marked,
but not with "1" but with "x". Three (3) for Eric Hugh Dierker,
two (2) for Jonathan Weinberg.
The Secretariat tends to consider these ballots valid,
"x" replaced by "1" for results calculation.
   b04:K814fZ:[X] Eric Hugh Dierker
   b04:K9301Z:[X] Eric Hugh Dierker
   b04:K964bZ:[x] Eric Hugh Dierker
   b04:K5cecZ:[x] Jonathan Weinberg
   b04:K90c0Z:[x] Jonathan Weinberg
Nota bene: if the above five ballots are discarded, the results remain
the same.

E. Full public record:
The calculations step by step using Instant Runoff Vote are published in:

These calculations has been validated by the Watchdog Committee.

DNSO Secretariat

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