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[council] Fwd: Re: Preparing the NC agenda

Dear Fellows:


----------  Mensaje Reenviado  ----------
Subject: Re: Preparing the NC agenda
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 15:05:58 +0900
From: Adam Peake <ajp@glocom.ac.jp>

in addition, just noticed

"The ICANN Protocol Supporting Organization, made up of the Internet's
leading technical standards organizations, had advised ICANN to proceed
cautiously since there has been no experience of adding new TLDs in many
years, and the effect on performance and stability of adding a large number
of new TLDs is uncertain."

Perhaps the NC should begin a dialogue with its Sister SO the PSO (cool) on
what "cautiously" means. Stability being the touchstone.

Funny, all I could see on this was
<http://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0008&L=pso-discuss&P=R108> and

(perhaps they meant "The ICANN Domain Name [Protocol] Supporting
Organization, made up of the Internet's leading ..." but then the press
release really looses all shape :-)



Best Regards

Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales
IT Specialist
Sustainable Development Networking Programme/Panama
Tel: (507) 230-4011 exrt 213
Fax: (507) 230-3455
e-mail:  vany@sdnp.org.pa

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