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Hello Milton,

I am sorry for the delay to respond your message but I have been absent
from home for the last few days so it was difficult to react in this
matter.  This is the clarification :


As ICANN Board has already approved the formation of the Monitoring and
Evaluation of new TLDs Task Force by resolution 01.60. We do not intend to
support any longer the gTLD position regarding this issue except for been
in the records as our view.


We are in favour of the objectives of this task force. However, it was felt
that the structure proposed by ICANN for monitoring and evaluate the
technical, policy process and in particularly the business aspects, could
be forced to assess criteria which are beyond their expertise.

>As I understand this resolution, you are simply asking ICANN to follow its
>own constitution, by assigning to the DNSO the evaluation of the policy
>business aspects of new TLDs, and assigning to the PSO the evaluation of
>technical aspects.

The gTLD Constituency did not reject the structure but proposed to enhanced
because we felt that ICANN SOs could be well performed this task.

>Therefore, it would seem that you are asking us to reject the structure of
>the "multidisciplinary task force" proposed by ICANN management (3 Names
>Council, 2 IETF and IAB, 1 RSAC).
>Is that correct?


As the ICANN board has already taken the decision to formalize this task
force as stated in resolution 01.60, we would like to offer our fully
support in order to succeed together the overall objectives

many regards

Rosa Delgado

"Milton Mueller" <Mueller@syr.edu>@dnso.org on 14.06.2001 22:59:14
Sent by:  owner-council@dnso.org

To:   <Yjpark@Myepark.Com>, <Rcochetti@Verisign.Com>
cc:   <Council@Dnso.Org>

Hello, Roger:
I am still waiting for the clarification. See my message of two days ago.

>>> "Cochetti, Roger" <RCochetti@verisign.com> 06/13/01 12:04PM >>>
Here is the resolution put forward by the gTLD Constituency at the last
meeting of the Names Council.

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