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Re: [council] Drfat rules for non NCmembers

Thanks Phillip -
I think it is critical that we link the purpose of each type of group with its membership and, subject to the definition of rules for WGs,  I agree the sorts of linkages you have proposed below.  However, I am concerned about the distinction between a TF and a WG and feel this needs some clarification. 
For the purposes of drafting rules, it would be useful to give priority to the general purpose of each different type of group and follow this with guidance on membership.  For the sake of clarity, it may also be useful to give examples of each type.
I know this may sound a bit nit picking, but it does make clear the logic for membership selection for each different type of group.
On a more substantive point, I think it would also be useful to include information on the appointment of the Chairs for each type of group.  As I understand it, the Chairs of Interim Committees and Committees are appointed by the NC.  I understand that this is also the case for NC TF, but clarification of this point would be useful.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 5:33 PM
Subject: [council] Drfat rules for non NCmembers

further to Friday's meeting please find below a proposed new section 3 to the NC rules of procedure. (I have not mentioned working groups as the Review TF is even now drafting rules for these based of WG E's report).
Comments please by Thursday 5 July when I will issue an amended version (if required) for approval.

[start draft ]

3. NC committees and task forces

From time to time the NC may form sub-groups. These are typically of three types. Each type may form small further sub-groups from within their membership.

Interim committee – a preparatory group of around 3-5 NC members charged with turning an idea into a proposed action plan. The interim committee is dissolved following NC adoption of the action plan.

Committee – a small group of around 3-5 NC members which has typically been delegated a limited authority from the NC.

Task Force – a group equally representative of each NC constituency (typically one from each) and typically charged with forming a recommendation to the NC or implementing an agreed NC action plan. A task force may comprise NC members and/or nominees from outside of the NC provided that:

a) the nominee is nominated by a member of the NC

b) the nominee has the support of the three NC members of the constituency

c) the nominee is a member of the nominees’ constituency

d) the nominee is not also a member of the same ICANN-relevant organisation as an NC member on the task force, the NC member taking priority at any time

e) no two nominees are members of the same ICANN-relevant organisation, the first nominee taking priority

f) there is at least one NC member of the task force

g) the chair of the task force is an NC member.

Note: An ICANN-relevant organisation is defined as one that any NC member considers to be ICANN-relevant. [end draft]


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