[council] NC revised agenda
Dear NC,
I am most impressed with the level of interest in this month's agenda. This degree of enthusiasm - a little earlier and via the intake committee would be even better! I propose the following revised agenda. Allocated time 95 mins. 1. Adoption of agenda - 5 mins Summary of last teleconference meeting (16 August) 5 mins http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20010816.NCtelecon-minutes.html Summary of last two meetings Montevideo (8 and 9 September) http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20010908NCmontevideo-minutes.html http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20010909.NCmontevideo-election-minutes.html 2. Task forces (20 mins) - NC review interim report. - NC structure TF status - new chair of IDN TF - UDRP, WhoIs, dot org - gTLD evaluation group 3. GAC Statement on country and geographical names - NC response (15 minutes). http://www.icann.org/committees/gac/communique-09sep01.htm 4. Transfers - awaiting Registrars/ Registries clarification (5 mins) 5. NC agenda LA meeting - security issues. (30 minutes) a) Possible Structure of LA meetings Decisions on possible topics a) Contract Compliance- Escrow of Registrar data Registry back-up/ redundancy Ability of Registrant to transfer to domains to Registrars who have better security b) Root Management stability Process for managing/ updating zone file information in a robust /secure manner Management of the authoritative database such that there is full redundancy c) DNS Security Increase the DNSsec implementation. Sufficient geographical diversity of DNS/ redundancy. 6. Request to recall GA chair, resignation GA alt chair (5 mins) 7. Various requests on GA mail lists (5 mins) 8. Marketing of names purporting to be DNS gTLDs- Vany (10 mins) 9. AOB |