----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 7:57
Subject: [council] Final revisd report of
the Review task force
Names Council,
At the last NC meeting the Council had expressed overall
support for the majority of the Review task force final report. The registry
constituency and the registrars had expressed some concern about section
5 on consensus in that a proposed slight change to the by-laws may impact on
registry or registrar legal agreements. I explained that such an impact had
not been the intent of the TF and agreed as NC chair to seek clarifying
wording acceptable to the Council. I have since been in contact with ICANN
Counsel and he concurs that there could be a potential impact.
Accordingly, I present a revised final draft report which
has been modified as follows:
- the proposed change in the by-laws is
- the relevance of consensus to registry or registrar
agreements is made explicit
- a process with two options is outlined for the development
of a consensus policy.
I hope this report will now meet with Council's approval and
I submit it for approval at the forthcoming NC meeting December 13.
Philip Sheppard