[council] ICANN Budget 2002 - DNSO funding
Budget Committee,
Stuart Lynn has requested input on the ICANN 2002 budget by
Jan 10 to have most effect. I would like to pass the following
resolution at the Dec 13 NC which is before you next meet. Please let me
have your comments therefore by e-mail on the accuracy of the amount requested.
I have based this on the draft budget proposed by the budget committee chair and
the informal discussion on the budget call last week. From that draft budget I
have calculated $120,000 + $50,000 for additional staff support but have
excluded costs for webcasting and translation services.
Names Council - please note the proposal.
ICANN budget preparation for
Whereas ICANN has invited the Names Council to comment on its
2002 budget,
1. The request below follows the earlier NC resolution
requesting ICANN funding of 11 April 2001.
2. The request below follows a resolution of the General
Assembly of May 28, 2001:
"The General Assembly of the DNSO hereby petitions the ICANN Board to fund the DNSO and all other ICANN Supporting Organizations with funding adequate for the operation and administration of such Supporting Organizations (all monies donated to be allocated and disbursed from ICANN central accounts). The General Assembly of the DNSO further asks for formal inclusion in the overall ICANN Budgetary process." 3. There is support in the At-Large SC 2001 report for funding of the SOs. 4. Constituencies waste considerable time on fund raising
activities, taking away time from DNSO policy advise to the Board.
5. Fees cause division in the DNSO (eg the non comm
constituency is on a time line to have its votes withdrawn) and this division
is counterproductive to achieving policy consensus.
6. The DNSO is a central part of the ICANN process and
the most political/ media exposed of the SOs.
7. The ICANN secretariat is about to issue contracts for the
provision of professional DNSO secretariat support, so this service is already
under ICANN staff control.
The Names Council therefore resolves to request that ICANN
allocate a sum of USD 170,000 in its 2002 budget and an equivalent sum annually
thereafter for the provision of secretariat services to the DNSO.