[council] Restructuring the DNSO
Gentlemen, members of the Committee on
further to the e-mail from Danny Younger please
1. The terms of reference of the Names Council task force on
2. That Mr. David Farrar is the GA's elected representative on
this task force and that he is an active participant.
NC Chair
Terms of reference for the NC TF
on structure
NC task force on Structure
Composition one representative from each constituency and one from the GA, chaired by the chair of the NC. Members: Chair Philip Sheppard IP Mark Bohannon, BC Marilyn Cade, gTLDs Rita Rodin, ccTLDs Peter Dengate-Thrush, Registrars Ken Stubbs, Non-Commercials Raul Echeberria, ISP Tony Holmes, GA Dave Farrar Terms of reference
To produce a timely impact assessment on a) the efficacy of policy making within the
DNSO, and
b) the efficacy of ICANN decision making
as a result of the proposals from the at-large
study committee, the desire of the ccTLDs to form their own supporting
organisation and other proposals and;
To produce a recommendation to the Names Council
based on this assessment.
To achieve this the task force should briefly
evaluate proposals for re-structuring against the following
1. the efficacy of policy making within the DNSO - degree of formal interaction between stakeholders - quantity of predicted unique issues of a new SO outside the competence of DNSO versus issues within competence of DNSO - mechanisms for cross-SO
- effect on the DNSO consensus
2. the efficacy of ICANN decision
- the ability of each proposal to generate valid consensus-based policy making - possibility of the Board receiving contradictory advice from its SOs and the impact on resolution mechanisms - likely financial and representational robustness of any SO - likelihood of the proposal to achieve
adequate, balanced and fair stakeholder representation on the Board
Timeframe: The task force will consider proposals made to the Board before 31 January 2002. Agreement on terms of reference – 28 November Development of principles and criteria – 10
Data gathering/evaluation - December/January Initial report 31 January 2002 Interim ICANN Ghana March 2002 Final TBD