[council] Timle of NC meetings
With a new set of NC members in place and the approach of
daylight saving time in certain areas I have looked once again at the optimal
times for NC calls. My objective was to find a selection of times to share
the need to call in at an anti-social time. I would like to thanks
Elisabeth Porteneuve for compiling an excellent spread sheet to help with this
In choosing possible start times I have applied three
1. UNACCEPTABLE - any start time that is in the most
anti-social range of 02.00 - 05.00 for someone.
2. DESIRABLE - start times that are good for most people, so
try to avoid anti-social 22.00 - 07.00.
3. DESIRABLE - start times that avoid the need to pay
overtime to the NC secretariat.
On the basis of criteria 1, there are just four theoretical
start times
UTC 13.00, 14.00, 22.00, 23.00.
Testing these four against criteria 2:
UTC 13.00, 14.00 falls into the anti-social range (22.00
- 07.00) for 2 or 2 people.
UTC 22.00, 23.00 falls into the anti-social range (22.00 -
07.00) for 7 or 8 people.
Testing these four against criteria 3:
UTC 22.00, 23.00 are undesirable.
The conclusion is that the optimal time always is a start of
UTC 13.00 or 14.00 (our usual time). UTC 14.00 has the advantage of being 07.00
for Oscar in Mexico but 01.00 for Grant in New Zealand (but Grant has told us
before he can live with that. (Its 23.00 for Bruce and 22.00 for
So its hard to realistically choose another time.
Even if we rotate to the 22.00, 23.00 window,:
- we risk losing quorum if we ask a large part of the NC to
call in after 23.00 local time.
- its still an anti-social time for some in Asia
Pacific so the objective to "share the pain" is lost!.