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RE: [discuss] Notes - Names Council Meeting, San Jose - 062599

> On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 12:06:52AM -0400, Michael Froomkin -
> U.Miami School of Law wrote:
> > Speaking as an advisor to WIPO in this process, I believe this
> > argument-from-authority is an argument we should reject.
> Just a clarification.  It's not an argument from authority.  It's an
> argument from perception of political reality.  There is an important
> and fundamental distinction, which should be obvious, but I will
> explain if it isn't.

It's a very small quibble and irrelevant anyway. Legal reality trumps
political reality 7 days a week, unless you're a congress-critter, or
your name is "William J. (Bill) Clinton". Even then, only on Blue
Tuesdays and every odd Stormy Monday.