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[ga-endorsements] Endorsements of candidates to the GA Chair and Alternate Chair

   3a. Full name of the endorser: Elisabeth Porteneuve
   3b. E-mail address of the endorser: Elisabeth.Porteneuve@cetp.ipsl.fr
   3c. Full name of the accepted nominee you wish to endorse:
       Eric Hugh Dierker, Danny Younger, Patrick Corliss and Jonathan Weinberg

I agree with Eric Weisberg, Roberto Gaetano and others who said
that the best solution for the Internet Community is to give all four
candidates the possibility to run.

Elisabeth Porteneuve

Quoting Roberto:

 The rule was intended initially to avoid crowding the list intended to be
 passed to the NC with a large number of irrelevant (or even non-existing,
 for who remembers "the way we were" in 1999) candidates.
 The purpose was to pass to NC a reasonably-sized list.
 With only four candidates for two seats (Chair+AltChair), this is not at all
 a worry.
 I see the good intention in proposing a debate about the form of the
 elections, and the potentially dangerous misunderstandings, but I believe
 that the best solution for the Internet Community is to give all four
 candidates the possibility to run.

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