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[ga-full] Re: [IFWP] Re: [ga] GA Rules don't go far enough

Joe and all,

  Those that you mention here, (The four Horse-shitters) don't want
an open or transparent process or membership, just a "Club".  That is fine
I suppose, but hardly representative of anything legitimately....

!Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:

> I'm cross posting this to make sure other members of the community can
> follow this insanity.
> I and Walsh agree that for the GA@DNSO to get any works of substance done,
> it is critical that we meet the chairs and NC's definition of real
> person.  Yes - the chair and alternate have avoided this issue like the
> plague.
> We were given fradulent election, the alternate has admitted to allowing a
> fradulent poll be conducted - knowing full weel in advance of the poll
> that it was fradulent, the polling process as the chair and alternate
> expected, was abused - and the chair imposed a set of rules no one wanted,
> the alternate is now booting people off the list because he does not
> believe they exist - no proof either way - yet Harald is swinging the axe.
> This is a joke.
> Here Walsh and I have agreed on a fundamental process of organizing the
> membership, yet we are being blocked.
> This is most unfortunate.  And just another continous fraud.  Where the
> hell is the Department of Commerce on this.  This is all very unwholesome
> and very unamerican.
> Regards
> Joe Baptista
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, William X. Walsh wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> >
> > On 15-Feb-2000 Roberto Gaetano wrote:
> > > There's also another reason to limit the check to the challenged cases.
> > >
> > > We will have to move, for a number of reasons, to a situation in which
> > > "Membership" is a concept distinct from "Mailing-List-Subscriber", and
> > > in which there will be *many* mailing lists, with specific focus.
> > > At that point in time, it will seem reasonable to check the identity for
> > >  "Members" (the more 'stable' population, that will have the right of
> > > vote, ....), and this may be done once and for good, while the 'mobile'
> > > population (the people subscribing to a general-purpose mailing list)
> > > will necessarily not be subject to systematic control (too expansive).
> > >
> >
> > So then we give up the list as a useful place to get work done?  I think the
> > list should be composed of the members.  The "general purpose" mailing list is
> > the place of work for all intents and purposes.  Non-members are always welcome
> > to read the contents of the list, via an email digest or web based archive
> > format, but not necessarily have the right to post until they have been
> > verified.
> >
> > - --
> > William X. Walsh <william@dso.net>
> > DSo Networks  http://dso.net/
> > Fax: 877-860-5412 or +1-559-851-9192
> > GPG/PGP Key at http://dso.net/wwalsh.gpg
> > Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
> > Comment: DSo Networks
> >
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