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[ga-full] Re: [ga] Older Registrations

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On 30-Mar-2000 Christopher Ambler wrote:
>> IANA created and administered the DNS and its TLDs from the start of the
>> DNS, long before NSF was involved.
>> There is a continuing failure to distinguish between funding and
>> authority.  They are quite separate things.
> You're making my point for me, then. NSF funded, IANA had authority.
> They may or may not be related.

I will only point out that the IAHC effort HAS to give the impression that IANA
had the authority, even if it didn't, because all of their work, and all of the
promises they made to the CORE registrars, were predicated on this self-assumed

Whats funny is that both the self-proclaimed registries and CORE both need to
argue that IANA had an authority it didn't have, and for which there exists no
documentation for it having, in order try and bolster their respective claims. 
It really does seem they have more in common than the CORE supporters want to

But both claims fall far short of being accurate.

- --
William X. Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
GPG/PGP Key at http://userfriendly.com/wwalsh.gpg
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