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[ga-full] Re: Press Releases

On Sun, 2 Apr 2000, Gregory Neil Shapiro wrote:

> Paul did not resign because of this.

then why did he resign?

> baptista> Incidentally - Paul Vixie also is the sendmail programmer,
> No, he is not.  The ISC generously sponsors the sendmail ftp site and
> sendmail-announce mailing list.

If you feel I should be corrected here - please do - but is not paul one
of the major contributors of sendmail - a founder in fact.  Certainly his
foot prints are all over IETF documents regarding sendmail.  Certainly
he's the first person people swear at when they discover how buggy
sendmail is.

> (For the record, I'm a sendmail engineer, part of bind-workers, and an 
> OpenSRS affiliate.)

Well - all that means is that you contribute to two buggy programming
packages.  I wish you guys would finally fix the bugs - especially in bind
- which affects everyone.

For the record - Paul Vixie and Jon Postel together conspired and
highjacked the US root servers.  Would you like to rewrite the history to
that too?  I can provide the group with documentation to show how he did

DNS is the single point on the internet which can be easily attacked.  So
it's no laughing matter and Vixie is one of the main reasons why it is
that way.  A real pity.  One we should strive to correct.

Joe Baptista

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