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Re: [ga] Re: [ga-full] Individuals

On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 11:11:45PM +0200, Roberto Gaetano wrote:
> The concept I wanted to put forward is that if we have, let's say, 100 
> GA members that are speaking as individuals (while the rest is involved 
> in one or more already recognized Constituencies), it will not be 
> sufficient to have half a dozen of them pushing hard for a Constituency 
> to put the proposal forward, but we need larger numbers.

No question about that.

> The 16K ICANN members are a completely different animal.
> I personally have no idea about how and why they came to the conclusion 
> of being willing to be ICANN Members, but what I can say is a large 
> majority of them is "a priori" not specifically interested in DNSO 
> issues, because I have never seen such a crowd online or offline debate 
> DNSO issues before.

That simply doesn't follow, and in fact, I am convinced of the reverse:
I believe that most of the atlarge members know of ICANN primarily
through domain name issues. 

> And it is fairly likely that we will *never* see the
> 16K debate DNSO issues (but this is just my feeling).
> Don't misunderstand me, I am tremendously happy that 16K people are 
> showing interest in ICANN, and definitively would love to see 10, 100, 
> 1000 times more, but I have serious doubts that the reason for joining 
> is to discuss DNSO matters.

Not to *discuss* DNSO matters.  But DNSO matters will almost certainly
be a significant factor in the elections.

Moreover, I believe that you are ignoring a very salient political fact:
while *you* may see the 16K ICANN members as "a completely different
animal" from an Individuals Constituency, many others do not see it that
way.   That is, it is a matter of political "optics" as much as 
anything else.

> >  One must also consider
> >that from the perspective of representation, the atlarge membership of
> >ICANN controls half the board seats.  This is far more
> >power/representation than *any* constituency of the DNSO.  There is a
> >real and legitimate concern that the atlarge membership already tilts
> >the representation equation far to the side of individuals. 
> Representation of what?

Of the interests of individuals.

>  For doing what?

For installing candidates that consider the interests of individuals as
their highest priority.

> All what I know is that these 16K or hopefully more people will 
> (eventually) elect half of the board.
> There is no evidence whatsoever that these 16K people will bring any 
> contribution to the debate on DNSO issues.

No evidence that they won't.  Quite the revers, actually -- it is quite 
likely that at least some of the new board members will bring discussion 
o fissues concerning individuals to the board level. 

> And this is the point.
> What is needed, is the voice of the laymenm the users, the consumers, 
> the small guys, the families, the individual domain name owners, and so 
> on, in the debate about policy making.
> And this debate is done in the NC.

Most of the debate actually takes place in the WGs.

> Therefore, this essential component of the Internet world has to be 
> present.

It is present.  The presence is through a different mechanism.  That 
mechanism is not perfect, but on the other hand, that mechanism has a 
*lot* of weight -- half the board is far far more power than, for 
example, the IP constituency gets.

Think about it this way:  How do you think the IP constituency would 
respond to the opportunity to elect half the board, on the condition 
that they give up their place on the NC?

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
kent@songbird.com                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain
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