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Re[2]: [ga] DNSO ICANN board member

Hello Harald,

Tuesday, August 22, 2000, 1:34:02 AM, you wrote:

> At 01:18 22/08/2000 -0700, William X. Walsh wrote:
>>Why endorse anyone?  The NC will pick the one candidate best suited to
>>protect the special interests who dominate the DNSO NC.

> because if we don't speak, we cannot complain that our voice is ignored.
> Frankly, if the number of endorsements is (for instance) one for Keogh and 
> 100 for DeBlanc, the NC may actually think twice before choosing Keogh, if 
> that was their initial inclination.

> If it's 11 to 9, I don't think they will consider it significant input.

You would be correct, if the NC had shown any tendency to care about
keeping up the appearance of propriety.

Since when has the NC or its members ever cared about the appearance
of propriety?

They never have, as they have shown time and time again.

Best regards,
 William                            mailto:william@userfriendly.com

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