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RE: My DNSO review comment (Re: [ga] DNSO Review Committee)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org]On Behalf Of Liz
> Bartlett
> Sent: 30. august 2000 21:08
> To: ga@dnso.org
> Subject: RE: My DNSO review comment (Re: [ga] DNSO Review Committee)
> At 07:55 PM 8/30/00 +0200, Alf Hansen wrote:
> >I think we could change a lot if we focused on "DNSO", Domain
> Name Support
> >Organization", as one common group of people (like At-Large
> which also is a
> >large group of people with different interests).
> >
> >This large group of people in DNSO have one thing in common: They are
> >interested in Domain Names and the development of the Domain
> Name structure
> >in the Internet.....
> This brings up a point which has worried me for a while - what it
> the nature of the dividing line between members of DNSO, and At-Large
> members? There seem to be a large number of individuals who are
> members of both groups - and no rule in place to stop someone from
> being nominated to stand for the ICANN board in both venues, in the
> hope of doubling their chances of "getting in".
> The ICANN web site doesn't help in defining this at all; if a person
> reads the descriptions of the DNSO sections, and finds they fit one of
> them, should they then resign as an At-Large member? (And let's not get
> side-tracked into a discussion on the merits or otherwise of the ICANN
> web site - this has already been covered in many places!)
> Alf's second paragraph above would seem to apply equally to the At-Large
> membership as it does to DNSO membership.
That is not exactly what I ment. DNSO elects 3 Directors. At-Large 5 (later
probably 9). That is not equality.
> And if it is the defining
> characteristic of DNSO members, why does it also appear to be the
> most dominent qualification for people standing for At-Large nominations?
I do not think there is simple answer to that question. As I have said
before (on other discussion lists), an ICANN Director is personal
responsible and must work for the best of ICANN as a whole, and not just for
one constituency in DNSO or one group of At-Large members. A Board member
represents himself (herself) and not certain groups, even if she (he) has
support from various groups of people.
It is up to the electorat to vote for the preferred candidate.
> --Liz
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Liz Bartlett*http://www.khyri.com/ 110 E. Wilshire Ave.#G-1
> Idyll Mountain Internet*http://www.idyllmtn.com/ Fullerton, CA 92832
> Virtual Dog Show Co-ordinator*http://www.dogshow.com/ (714) 526-5656
> Tibetan Mastiff Web Site*http://www.tibetanmastiffs.com/
> --
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Best regards,
Alf H
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