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RE: [ga] Clarification w/r/t Jonathan Cohen's Involvement inWorking Group B

At 10:12 AM 8/31/00 -0400, Mike Palage wrote:
>To my knowledge Working Group A & C pretty much adopted the
>WIPO recommendations in whole.

	The gist of the WIPO report relevant to Working Group C was that once
UDRP, famous mark protection, and whois changes were in place, it would be
possible to contemplate slow and controlled introduction of new gTLDs,
contingent on findings that the new trademark-protective procedures really
were working to address trademark owners' concerns.  Working Group C took
the opposite approach, declining to establish any linkage between the
creation of new trademark protections and the WG's recommendations for the
rollout of new gTLDs (six to ten in the initial deployment, followed by an
evaluation period).  To quote the WG-C report:  "Within the working group,
the argument that ICANN should impose substantial delays on the initial
deployment of new gTLDs in the interest of adopting or perfecting
trademark-protective mechanisms won little support except from Intellectual
Property constituency members."


Jonathan Weinberg
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