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[ga] Candidate positions on UDRP

Having commented extensively on my views on the issue of trademarks,
domain names and the UDRP, I would like to hear from Jonathan Cohen,
Peter de Blanc and Ronald Weikers about their views.  In particular, do
these candidates believe, as I do, that the UDRP has gone too far in
protecting trademark owners, and that ICANN should do more to protect the
public's rights to use firm, product or organization names in domains in
connection with free speech, criticism, parody, for competitive or
comparative purposes, or to organize.  Also, do they feel, as I do, that
the WIPO panels are making bad decisions on the issues of what is
"identical or confusingly similar," or if they are as concerned as I am
that WIPO panels are taking away generic names from domain holders.

  Jamie Love

James Love, Consumer Project on Technology    
P.O. Box 19367        | http://www.cptech.org 
Washington, DC 20036  | love@cptech.org       
Voice 202/387-8030    | Fax 202/234-5176     

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