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Re: [ga] Re: [announce] Jonathan Cohen elected for 3 years term at the ICANN Board
>Given that "the rules" are based on the following premises:
> 1) the at large election to the board is to cover the popular
> representation problem
But we are not talking about direct elections by AtLarge, we are talking
about the best way to meaningfully propose a set of candidates for the
NC to elect.
Again, nobody is claiming (correction: I am not claiming) that the GA
should elect the DNSO ICANN Director, only that in providing the
nominees there should be "added value", or the process is useless (and
therefore should be abolished, as every useless thing).
> 2) the purpose of the DNSO is to give constituencies a voice
And what about those who do not belong to any constituency (like myself,
for instance)? Should they be banned from the DNSO?
I think that the DNSO is to give a voice to all those who are interested
in Domain Name issues. Those who are lucky enough to belong to a
recognized constituency can also have a *vote*, which is a different
thing. Please let us have at least the voice, if not the vote.
> 3) the purpose of the nomination procedure is simply to get a
> reasonable slate of candidates for the NC to chose among, not to
> prevent NC members from proposing candidates
Nobody is preventing the NC to propose candidates.
I am just saying that the current limit of 10 endorsement is ridiculous.
Everybody can have 10 friends subscribing to the GA and endorsing him/
her, so the slate cannot be guaranteed to be reasonable.
What exactly do you have against the proposal to abolish the endorsement
procedure, and let the NC elect directly?
> 4) the NC is not a body with a single point of view
Neither the GA.
So what?
>what is the problem with "the rules"?
>Or, do you wish to dispute the premises?
See above.
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