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Re: [ga] Fuzz about Froomkin

Dear Sandy
I would suggest you discuss that on the icann-candidates@egroups.com
mailing list? Unless you want the DNSO as an internal ICANN body to start
a Secession War. I centrainly personnally resent this CyberSquatting,
but IMHO it hardly falls under the DNSO's charter.

At 20:37 31/10/00, you wrote:
>Mikael Pawlo wrote:
> >
> > In Sweden there's now great fuzz about Michael Froomkins Beware the ICANN
> > Board Squatters:
> > http://personal.law.miami.edu/%7Efroomkin/boardsquat.htm
> >
> > I haven't heard much about it from my international colleagues. Is this
> > because you haven't read Mr Froomkins paper or do you just not consider it
> > interesting?
>I certainly consider it interesting. It seems to me quite obvious that
>Froomkin has a good point, though there are details I'd quibble over.
>Is this the appropriate forum for discussion of this? If not, what ia a
>better one?
>Can we actually do anything about this? Does anything we might say on
>the topic actually matter? What would we do? ask the directors to resign?
>Ask the board to expel them?
>I'll make a formal motion that the GA call for the resignations of the
>directors Froomkin names if the chair tells me that is possible here.
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