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[ga] ANNOUNCE: "Pressing Issues II: Understanding and CritiquingICANN's Policy Agenda"

Members of the DNSO General Assembly:

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School and 
the Center for Democracy & Technology have announced "Pressing Issues 
II: Understanding and Critiquing ICANN's Policy Agenda," a forum for 
discussing and debating the important issues facing ICANN at its 
upcoming annual meeting and in the future.

	TIME: 1:00 PM - 6:30 PM PST (9:00 PM - 2:30 AM UTC)
	DATE: Sunday, November 12, 2000
	PLACE: Marina Beach Marriott, Marina del Rey, Calif, USA

The event's format will consist of three moderated panels of ICANN 
activists, officials, and experts; a working schedule for the 
afternoon is attached below. The proceedings will not only be open to 
the public, but  will be webcast live with remote participation.

If you plan to take part in this event, either in person or via the 
webcast, please preregister so that we can ensure technical and 
in-room capacity. You can preregister, learn about the webcast, and 
find up-to-date information on the event, at 

Feel free to email me, rob@cdt.org, or Rebecca Nesson at the Berkman 
Center (rnesson@cyber.law.harvard.edu) with any questions or comments 
regarding the event. And please forward this message to others 
interested in ICANN's activities.

* * *



1:00 PM
"Intellectual Property and Privacy in ICANN Policy: UDRP Review and WHOIS"

Alan Davidson of the Center for Democracy and Technology will lead a 
panel discussion on the intersection of intellectual property and 
privacy concerns in the ICANN policy-making process. Discussion will 
focus in particular on review of the first year of operation of the 
UDRP and on ICANN's policy on Whois data and Whois service provision. 
Panelists will include Syracuse University professor Milton Mueller, 
ICANN general counsel Louis Touton, Mike Palage of InfoNetworks, and 
UMass Amherst professor Ethan Katsh.


3:00 PM
"At-Large Membership and Elections"

Harvard Law School professor Charles Nesson moderate a discussion on 
the role of the ICANN membership, the role of national identity in 
the ICANN policymaking process, and the import of the process and 
outcome of these first At-Large elections. Panelists will include 
ICANN board member-elect Nii Quaynor, ICANN board at-large candidate 
Barbara Simons, ICANN Chief Policy Officer Andrew McLaughlin, Asia & 
Pacific Internet Association Board Member Izumi Aizu, and others. All 
newly-elected ICANN Board members have been invited to participate.


5:00 PM



5:30 PM
"New TLDs"

Following a short afternoon break, we will discuss the new TLD 
applications and analyze the application process and criteria. 
Panelists will include representatives of organizations submitting 
applications as well as outside analysts. Panelists include Chris 
Ambler, CEO of Image Online Design and Richard Forman, CEO of 
Register.com, and Cary Karp of the Museum Domain Management 

* * *

Thanks very much, and we hope to see you there.

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