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Re: [ga] DNSO General Assembly call to change seating rule

On 2000-11-10 05:52:44 -0800, William X. Walsh wrote:

> Participation is the responsibility of the participant.
> Registering or not registering your vote is not our
> responsibility.

While this is true, it won't work on mailing lists in general.  If
all you want to do is claim rough consensus, post a message with a
clear and visible subject, like:

	CONSENSUS?  <topic>

and give people two or three days to indicate their possible
objections.  Normally, you'll quite quickly see whether or not there
are strong objections against claiming consensus.  This can also be

While, this way, you won't get strong documentation and clear
legitimation like with formal votes, it'll be sufficient in
situations where time is insufficient for a vote, and at least a
rough result should be produced.

Thomas Roessler                         <roessler@does-not-exist.org>
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