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RE: [ga] MOTION: Request for a GA resolution on an IDN holders' constituency (IC)

I was trying to point out all the possible groups that any particular person
would fit in, I was not trying to say that a large company with a hundred
domains should have a hundred reps in the IC, but it could be argued that
they should have one.

No ones voice should be diluted but everyone should have a say, at the
moment that means the individuals are having to shout and wave their arms

The internet is lots of networks all interfacing with each other.

"power" in any form usually comes from mobbing together, the more open,
distributed and standardised ways in which that is done spreads that power
more evenly.

The balance between the lone voices of individuals (like me) and the
undisputed "power" of large commercial entities and governments is that
whatever happens should never prevent the lone voices from being able to
have their say, show their point of view or being legally trampled into the
ground just because they do not have large gobs of money to back them up.

I think business has always had enough laws to protect them, while ICANN
should by all means listen to their side, it should never stop listening to
the individual because an individuals right to free speech, expression and
freedom from persecution is essential not only for an individuals freedom
but also its a right that business would not wish themselves to be denied.

Money is the real difference in "power" and probably the biggest threat to
an IC.  After all what's to stop a multination corporation from registering
a domain for each employee and getting them to all sign up as individuals
and vote as the corp. wants?  Paranoid yes I know, but money will always buy
votes, that's why participation should be as cheap as possible to get the
maximum participant to have their say.

	cya,	Andrew...

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	William S. Lovell [SMTP:wsl@cerebalaw.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, May 08, 2001 12:36 PM
> To:	McMeikan, Andrew
> Cc:	'Joop Teernstra'; GA
> Subject:	Re: [ga] MOTION: Request for a GA resolution on an IDN
> holders'   constituency (IC)
> I'm missing a rational connection here. In one case, "power" comes from
> buying up tons of votes; in the scenario below, "power" comes from
> buying and controlling tons of computers tied to the internet. In either
> case, how does the buying of this or that rationally imply the right to a
> correspondingly larger voice in Internet affairs? Either of these seem
> to me to dilute out the voice of the individual.
> However, I would emphatically concur with the idea that constituencies
> need precise definition as to the perspective from which thie members
> speak -- not as to specific positions on specific issues (although what
> that might be might easily be inferred from the perspective -- but rather
> "is this the voice of the individual, a small business, a large business,
> a
> hobbiest, a merchant, an entrepreneur with an invention?" (I know lots of
> people of this last type -- many clients open up shop on the web the day
> the patent application is filed) and so on.
> Again, none of this definition notion precludes anyone from joining any
> constituency, but it would give the person looking around an idea of
> whether that person was joining a compatible bunch, or would be
> walking into a den of wolves.
> Bill Lovell
> "McMeikan, Andrew" wrote:
> > I think that to propose the creation of an IC it at least needs a little
> > definition to go along with it rather than just implied on the subject
> line.
> >
> > in general there are
> > 1)the mass of users
> > 2)some of those produce content or contribute in some way to the overall
> net
> > 3)some control a single (non-transient) computer that makes up part of
> the
> > internet
> > 4)some can exercise control of several computers  that are part of the
> > internet
> > 5)some control large numbers of computers on the internet
> > 6)some control vast chunks of internet resources both computers and
> pipes
> > 7) ICANN wants one root to bind them
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