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[ga] Subscribing to the New Mailing Lists

Members DNSO GA

Six new mailing lists have been set up by the DNSO Secretariat as follows:

[ga-ext]          DNSO External Relationships (ICANN & new constituencies)
[ga-int]           DNSO Internal Processes (the GA internal rules &
[ga-sys]         Domain Name Registration Systems (Verisign registry, WHOIS
[ga-roots]      Competitive Roots (alernative or inclusive roots)
[ga-tm]           Trade Marks & IP (the UDRP processes, WIPO etc.)
[ga-review]    GA DNSO Review (follow-up from the GA review process)

A mission and a suggested agenda for each of these have been posted to the
[ga] mailing list and each of the new lists.  Members subscribe to these
lists by sending an email to Majordomo@dnso.org with the appropriate message
in the text as follows:

subscribe ga-ext
subscribe ga-int
subscribe ga-sys
subscribe ga-roots
subscribe ga-tm
subscribe ga-review

I would like to encourage everybody to use the use lists as this will create
focus to achieve a worthwhile consensus before the ICANN meeting in

Thank you all.
Alternate Chair

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