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Re: [ga] Re: Channels to create an IC

Hi Joop:

I just would add to all those proposal of resolution something like:
"and follow all the procedure stablished in the By-Laws regarding adding 
new constituencies"

Best Regards

At 11:04 p.m. 05/13/01 +1200, Joop Teernstra wrote:
>At 16:51 12/05/01 -0400, babybows.com wrote:
> >My personal view...
> >
>With due respect, should take no priority over your duties as Chair.
> >
> >Make no mistake about it, if an Individuals' Constituency is created, the
> >idno will be the first organization in line seeking to represent
> >individuals.  If they can't get sufficiently organized to present their own
> >petition, and have it accepted by the Board, then why should I, or any of
> >you, want them representing us?
>This is unwarranted. We are talking about the principle of  a constituency
>for Individual DN owners, voting for whoever they want to represent them.
>The Idno is not "them", it's for all who want to make it work.
>The channels are available to them under
> >the Bylaws to put forward their own petition.  Let them do so.  No one is
> >stopping them.  Perhaps at some point they will actually create a new
> >petition for presentation, although I have seen no effort on their own list
> >to do this.  I don't see why the GA should support their very transparent
> >ploy.
>I think with this you just stepped outside your role as elected Chair of
>this Assembly.
> >This is not about individuals having a voice, this effort is directed at
> >getting idno members seats on the Names Council.   Their website already
> >indicates who those NC members will be:  Joop Teernstra, Dinesh Nair, Dennis
> >Schaefer.
> >
>These three people have been elected by the idno members as external
>representatives of the idno.
>New elections for an IC will determine who in the end will sit on the NC. I
>am not at all sure if I would want tro accept such a nomination. Perhaps
>Jeff Williams (not an idno member) ,  Eric Dierker (not an idno member)
>and William X Walsh will be elected. Who knows.
> >Joop's motion will be voted on this coming week.  He and I will jointly
> >agree on appropriate language for the ballot question as we are at odds on
> >this issue.
>I didn't know we were "at odds". I trusted you enough to nominate you for
>Chair, expecting that motions from GA members, if duly seconded, would be
>brought to a proper vote.
>Here is the language the mover of the motion proposes to the GA and the
>Chair for the members to vote on:
>1. The General Assembly of the DNSO hereby resolves to recommend to the ICANN
>Board that it act in the interest of the Corporation and establishes the
>ground rules for an Individuals' Constituency in the DNSO in this plenary
>session in Stockholm.
>1a.  The General Assembly of the DNSO hereby resolves to recommend to the
>Names Council that it recommends to the ICANN Board that it act in the
>interest of the Corporation and establishes the ground rules for an
>Individuals' Constituency in the DNSO in this plenary session in Stockholm.
>Agree /disagree)
>2.  The General Assembly of the DNSO hereby resolves to recommend  to the
>ICANN Board that it act in the interest of the Corporation and approves in
>principle the Application for  an Individuals' Constituency in the DNSO in
>this plenary session in Stockholm, if and when such an application is again
>presented to the Board.
>Agree /disagree
>2a  The General Assembly of the DNSO hereby resolves to recommend to the
>Names Council that it recommends to the ICANN Board that it act in the
>interest of the Corporation and approves in principle the Application for
>an Individuals' Constituency in the DNSO in this plenary session in
>Stockholm, if and when such an application is again presented to the Board.
>Agree /disagree
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Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales
IT Specialist
Sustainable Development Networking Programme/Panama
a member of the Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency of the 
e-mail:  vany@sdnp.org.pa
Tel: (507) 230-4011 ext 213
Fax:  (507)  230-3455

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