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RE: [ga] Austerity measures

On Tue, 15 May 2001, Alexander Svensson wrote:

> I have listened to the Names Council teleconference
> meeting (thanks, Bret!), and it turns out that,
> according to the Secretariat, the setup time for
> the five new GA sublists was about *twenty* hours of
> secretariat work, the typical maintenance costs are about
> *two* hours per day (Philip Sheppard referring to figures by
> Elisabeth Porteneuve, DNSO Secretariat; unfortunately it
> is very much at the end of the 14 MB audio file Bret Fausett
> recorded).
>   http://www.lextext.com/nc05092001.html


Did you get a sense of what that 20 hours was spent on exactly? The reason
I ask is that I run several mailing lists and it takes about 5 minutes to
set one up, so there must be a lot more to what the Secretariat is doing
in setting up a list.

Perhaps Elisabeth could let us know?


                               Patrick Greenwell
                       Earth is a single point of failure.

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