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Re: [ga] Motion - Individual User Constituency - Acknowldegement for aStudy

Disagree, since I think that users represent an ICANN-wide issue
that does not fall specifically into the DNSO function.  Of course,
this quibble might not make the slightest difference -- it will end
up on the Board table no matter who initially proposed it -- and
"any group" (or words to that effect) can do that.  But still, the GA
has a whole lot on its plate right now, and cannot simultaneously
be Don Quixote for everything.

Bill Lovell

Jefsey Morfin wrote:

> I move the following motion to the Chair:
> "
> The General Assembly of the DNSO resolves to express its
> support for the acknowledgement of the need for an Individual
> Users Constituency by the ICANN Board in accordance with its
> Bylaws. The General Assembly of the DNSO recommends to
> the ICANN Board that to foster the study and the preparation
> of such an Individual User Constituency it places an approval
> in principle on its agenda for a decision at the Stockholm
> plennary session.
> Agree/Disagree
> "
> --
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