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[ga] Re: [ga-sys] Registrars want privacy

Joanna and all,

Joanna Lane wrote:

> In the "one rule for us and one rule for them" department:-
> Scott Allan wrote:-
> <snip>
> As promised, I have whipped together a (real quick) site to be considered
> as a proposed forum for aggregating Registrar contact information......
> http://www.registrar-contacts.com
> <snip>
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/registrars/Arc01/msg00602.html
> Eric Schaetzlein replied:-
> Scott,
> that was quick - but I strongly ask you to put password-protection in place
> - you can send the passwd to the list.
> Those contact infos are not for the general public.
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/registrars/Arc01/msg00604.html

  Well this figures doesn't it...  Sad, very sad.  Not to mention

> - and with respect to WHOIS data -
> Hi Larry,
> I don't think the thick registry is the problem. It makes perfectly
> sense to store that information in a central place, that's what a registry
> is good for.
> On the other hand it should be defined by contract who "owns" the customer,
> and that's clearly the registrar.

  Well I am not "Owned" by anyone.  If I ever find out that any
sells my name without my permission, can expect to have trouble...
I hope that this is clear enough?

> I heard that .pro will also introduce a directory lookup service
> ("give me all lawyers in Germany")
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/registrars/Arc01/msg00599.html
> I have nothing personal against Mr Schaetzlein, just questioning the logic
> that advocates a position that he is entitled to have his business contact
> details under password protection while my personal contact details may be
> sold by him or his colleagues for profit to anybody with $10,000 and without
> my knowledge or consent.

  And I believe this violates, regardless of contract specifications,
US Privacy Act.

> Regards,
> Joanna
> --
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