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RE: [ga] Observations...

Frankly, I missed the vote slot. I've been busy.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Danny Younger [mailto:webmaster@babybows.com]
> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 3:31 PM
> To: ga@dnso.org
> Subject: [ga] Observations...
> Lessons to be learned from the voting process:
> As I review the names of those who actually voted on the GA 
> ballot questions
> http://www.dnso.org/secretariat/b05fullrecord.html , I note 
> that perhaps
> only 18 out of the 91 voters had posted any comments to the 
> GA list in the
> last month.  Frankly, most of the voters are unknown to me.   
> Simply put, a
> full 80% of those voting do not actively participate on our 
> GA list.  You
> may want to think about why this happens to be the case, and 
> forward some
> suggestions as to how we may make improvements.
> I was also quite dismayed to note that many our members who 
> posted in the
> last month did not choose to vote:
> Appleby, Cade, Cochetti, Conant, Crispin, Crocker, Dassa, 
> Dierker, Edelman,
> Fausett, Froomkin, Gaetano, Gardner, Greenwell, Harris, 
> Hernand, Kelly,
> Kelsey, Ladi, Langdell, Levin, Marsh, Meyer, Mueller, Narra, Neuman,
> Portneuve, Roberts, Schneiders, Semich, Sheppard, Sotiropoulos, Stoen,
> Stubbs, Svensson.
> You may also want to think about why regular contributors 
> have decided not
> to participate in a vote.
> You may wish to also note that over 70% of the members on our voting
> registry decided not to vote.  Perhaps we need to look at 
> this "registry"
> list, and ask ourselves if we need a mechanism to keep it "current".
> If we are going to transform this Assembly into a body that 
> is reasonably
> functional and representative, we may need to re-think our 
> approach.  I am
> open to further suggestions, observations, and comments on 
> how we can work
> to improve our Assembly.
> --
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