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Re: User influence in ccTLDs? (Re: [ga] the NC takes the next step)

Whoa, we need to stay real clear here on what organizational forms.  The SO
must conform to ICANN standards not the individual countries and how they
run their internal policies.

Please let us not get sidetracked here into thinking that as an SO we have a
damn thing to do with internal policies of ccTLDs.  This GA and ICANN had
better stay the hell away from that or it is by-by to ccTLDs for ever.

I kind of get touchy on the issues of national soveriegnty and I hope the
rest of us do to.

The issue of something like the dotPH administrator is different, do not mix
that up with country soveriegnty.

On the issue of ccTLDs we have a long way to go and a short time to get
there and the only unacceptable solution is the status quo. (guess who said
both those things within the wg-review)


Marc Schneiders wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, at 23:27 [=GMT+1200], DPF wrote:
> > It is worth remembering that some ccTLDs are primarily controlled by
> > their customers.  ISOCNZ controls *.nz and most members are just
> > ordinary users.  Not to say such control has always been there but we
> > should be careful about assuming that ccTLD registries are directly
> > comparable to gTLD registries.  The latter are just a business seeking
> > to make money, the formers are a variety of forms.
> Indeed, but difficult to assess. I assume the ccTLDs will provide a
> detailed breakdown of their different organizational forms and how
> they are 'governed', with or without user input, as part of their
> application to become a SO. Otherwise the Board will have no idea what
> they are approving...
> --
> Marc Schneiders
> --
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