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Re: [ga] Novating the General Assembly

a quick response  here  to your  item  #1 patrick....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Corliss" <patrick@quad.net.au>
To: "[ga]" <ga@dnso.org>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 10:11 AM
Subject: [ga] Novating the General Assembly

> (1)    Lack of Resources, Dependency.  The GA is hamstrung by the NC
> over GA operations.  They (the NC) control the budget for travel to ICANN
> conferences, secretariat, website, legal advice, translation etc.  The
> Secretariat is answerable to the NC not the GA.  The NC closed down all
> working groups at whim.    More importantly the NC controls the mailing
> lists and the website.

the names council does not CONTROL the travel budgets for the ga staff.  we
have no control over the ga members budget for travel and, as you are quite
aware of, there never has been a DNSO "travel budget" for  any names council
or ga person

as to mailing list "control" the ga lists were established by the ga, not
the NC, are monitored and mediated by ga people (and always have been) and
located on the dnso maillist server and subsidised under the names council

would you prefer that the ga maillists be placed on separate servers, if so,
whose, and how do propose  to fund this seperate service ?

as to the website, no one has stopped any of the ga members from putting up
their own site Patrick, again there is a matter of funding here.. there are
certain "economies of scale" which can be achieved by consolidation of all
sites with a specific service.

you statement above is an unfortunate example of the  "narrow  opinion" &
"views" you refer to in paragraph #3 below

ken stubbs

> (2)    Poor outreach.  List numbers of less than 300 is tiny.  Of those
> few post regularly.  We need more members and better liaison with
> constituencies.  Often constituencies such as the NCDNHC are doing exactly
> what we are doing.  We need co-ordination of this effort.
> (3)    Narrow Opinion.  Views expressed are often contradictory,
> unconstructive or hostile.  New members are dissuaded from joining.  If
> join they are dissuaded from posting.
> (4)    Onerous Requirements.  Being a member of this list requires
> super-human dedication.  In fact, it is a full-time responsibility way
> beyong the capacity of any single individual.
> Using the words of another member of this forum (in a different context),
> need to "read every appendix in every registry contract, the NAIS 130-page
> report, all of the independent studies, all of the 3328 comments to the
> Review Working Group, all of the comments posted to every other prior
> working group, and to every official list".  But that's not all.  We also
> need to "listen to each Names Council teleconference, review Scribe Notes
> from every single Board meeting going back over several years, monitor
> constituency and other policy mailing lists, and every list of the GA".
> Not is that all.  We also have to write.  We need to explain and promote
> views publicly and privately, respond to private emails and list postings,
> research the archives, form opinions.  Go to conferences.  The list just
> goes
> on and on.  We may even have a family and work commitments.  Not to
> mention that we need to eat, sleep and enjoy some leisure time !!
> <end reasons>
> OK.  So what to do?  Well, part of it is obvious:
> (1)    Generate independent funding to reduce dependence on Names Council.
> (2)    Develop more structured debate ("board room rather than chat
> (3)    Set up working groups to tackle specific issues.  Provides better
> focus.
> (4)    Other possibilities. . . ?
> I'd appreciate your comments.
> Best regards
> Patrick Corliss
> Key
> AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time
> DNSO - Domain Name Supporting Organisation
> GA - General Assembly of the DNSO
> ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers
> NAIS - The NGO and Academic ICANN Study
> NC - Names Council of the DNSO
> NCDNHC - Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency
> --
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