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Re: [ga] GA-REVIEW & Other Mailing Lists

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 22:37:05 -0400, Joanna Lane wrote:

>I can accept that you have no particular interest in all of the above, but I
>cannot accept that you would kill a list that has added more value to the GA
>in past weeks than possibly any other, and is producing quality
>cross-constituency dialogue, with no noise.

If I was the one who decides such things I would be more guarded in my
remarks.  I was merely offering an opinion that I had not seen much
content which IMO is relevant to ICANN.  But each to their own.

>Finally, it has not passed me by that your lack of concern and understanding
>about these issues are voiced at a time when your name has been put forward
>as a potential candidate to represent the best interests of individuals to
>the NC. For this reason, I regret that I cannot support your nomination for
>the position.

I wasn't aware I had accepted any such nomination so any such support
is at this time a non-issue.  

ICQ 29964527
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