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Re: [ga] Membership Drive

Kent Crispin wrote:
>On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 10:07:57AM -0400, Joanna Lane wrote:
> > I propose the DNSO Secretariat prepares a formal press announcement to
> > invite the general public to subscribe to the Electoral Register of the
> > General Assembly for the specific purposes of participating in the
> > forthcoming election to select the next candidate to represent the DNSO 
> > the Board of Directors.
>According to the bylaws, the GA nominates a slate of candidates for the
>director positions, and the NC votes on them.

Indeed, the correct sentence should be "... participating in the forthcoming 
election to nominate the next candidate ...", but I think that still we need 
to correct some technicality of the mechanism.
Up to now, we have considered as eligible to nominate the candidate DNSO 
Director all individual that is either subscriber of the GA-list or 
participant to a Constituency (plus other odds and ends).
I have pointed out in the past that this language is prone to confusion, 
because it is not at all clear who has to be considered participant or 
member of a Constituency, and who not. In fact, in the past the DNSO 
Secretariat has found out that some Constituencies are in the practical 
impossibility to validate an individual as member or not.
Now that we have a DNSO Voting Registry, I would highly recommend that we 
use this Registry as the list of eligible voters. In practical terms, it 
would not reduce in any way the "power" of the participants to any 
constituency: we just ask them to "register to vote [=nominate]".
In practical terms, this will be a big improvement, because we would be able 
to use the standard procedures to verify eligibility prior to election day, 
and not to be obliged to verify after the fact.

Maybe this should be suggested to NC.

> > The public has a right to be informed about this election, to 
> > and vote. How many signed up for the AtLarge, 158,000 with 75,000 
> > That should do it.
>It only took 10 endorsements to get a candidate on the slate of
>nominees.  And in the past you could endorse more than one candidate.
>I don't think that the NC has changed this...

I fail to see the point.
The fact that only 10 endorsements are sufficient to nominate a candidate is 
not in contradiction with the willingness to have more people participating 
in the process.


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