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Re: [ga] Fw: [icann-announce] ICANN Montevideo Meeting (7-10 September 2001); DNSO Whois Survey

Derek Conant wrote:

>ICANN just amazes me.  Who picked Uruguay?  Why Uruguay instead of some 
>predictable or more stable country?  Like Brazil or somewhere else in South
>America?  Maybe things have changed in Uruguay?  Maybe not?  I'll have
>friends at the CIA before considering attending this ICANN meeting.

As I said in a different message, I would not have thought of the CIA as 
advisor if to participate to an ICANN meeting or not.
Don't get me wrong, I do recognize that the CIA has had a leading role in 
some events of the recent history of Latin America, and therefore they may 
be well informed about past, present and even future of that part of the 
world: I simply thought that this element would not have had any relevance 
in the choices for an Internet meeting.

Oddly enough, other ICANN meetings have raised similar "concerns" from a 
couple of people (Santiago and Cairo come to my mind), but in all cases the 
meetings went well.
Incidentally, I bet that the March 2002 and the June 2002 locations may also 
stimulate these postings ;>).

>  Maybe
>I'll go to Sydney instead.

Enjoy your trip!


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