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[ga] Re: "They're Coming To Take Me Away. Ha Ha."

With regard to the WHOIS survey, Michael Froomkin writes:  "I wish whoever
wrote this had consulted a professional."

Actually, we are probably quite lucky that the Names Council's WHOIS
committee (of which I am also a member) wrestled this project away from the
ICANN staff which some time ago had formed its own WHOIS Committee
http://www.icann.org/committees/whois/.  Yes, it might have been more
professional had the ICANN staff devoted their full-time professional skills
to it, but I for one am quite happy to see the uncompensated volunteer
members of the Names Council showing some real initiative and a desire to
address the problems that lay ahead.

Whatever this survey may lack in "design", one has to admit there has been a
major effort made at outreach, along with a significant effort to translate
this survey into multiple languages (more soon to be forthcoming).  Please
bear in mind that this is only step one in a much longer process that will
fully involve the General Assembly.    Let's not go overboard with the
criticism when it is clear that we are making forward progress.

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