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[ga] Re: [ga-roots] Re: ICANN Policy -- revised version

  • To: ga@dnso.org
  • Subject: [ga] Re: [ga-roots] Re: ICANN Policy -- revised version
  • From: Jefsey Morfin <jefsey@wanadoo.fr>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 10:38:06 +0200
  • In-Reply-To: <3B29DCD8.E9280C43@ix.netcom.com>
  • References: <sb28fc58.053@gwia201.syr.edu><20010614154210.A11461@songbird.com><20010615012501.A19232@sobolev.does-not-exist.org>
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org

On 12:00 15/06/01, Jeff Williams said:
> >    We can only hope that new.net isn't the first such case.
>It hasn't been.  Where would you get this idea?  New.net is
>really a late comer...

and is not by far not the most important and the most technically developed 
and the most successfull to be to come....

>Next is "Competitive and Inclusive" IP registries....

This is the real issue.

The real problem is IP addressing. The social/industry/politcal importance 
of the problem is such that the current DNS blundering by the iCANN makes 
unconceivable it will not be taken over by the ITU/T.

The easiest way will be the ITU/T to devise the Universal Numeric Adressing 
Plan to be offered for consistency to the different network and application 
systems, including the Internet (as for the ccTLD two letters code, 
telephone number, raido and TV frequencie etc...).

The current IPv4 will then interface and be progresively replaced by the UNAP.

There could have been a lot of positive and exciting things for the iCANN 
to do would have them not asked $ 50.000 for a $ 20 task...


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