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[ga] Also - Re: DNSO GA Chair Employed by Register.com?

I need to mention that Danny did indicate to me that his baby bow business
was an online business, however, he emphasized to me that this was the
extent of his association with any Internet business.  Danny should have
mentioned to me that he was employed by Register.com.  I must say that I may
have misunderstood him.

Another point is that Danny did mention his association with Register.com in
a post to the GA forum.  I was not aware of the post until now.

I have posted several messages in support of Danny following my meeting him
in Stockholm because I believed his participation in the ICANN process was a
nobel effort.  I don't know what to think about the GA Chair now or his

Derek Conant
DNSGA President and Chairman

Derek Conant wrote:

> Danny,
> I have come across a recent GA post that states that you are an employee
> of Register.com.
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga-full/Arc07/msg03228.html
> You indicated to me in Stockholm that you do not have any business
> association, whatsoever, with any Internet business.  You indicated to
> me that you own a company that produces bows for babies (baby bows).
> You indicated to me that you are a family man with limited financial
> resources and that you funded your trip to Stockholm.  You indicated to
> me that you are not funded for you efforts at ICANN and that your only
> interest in participating in the ICANN process is for a noble effort.
> Is it true that you are employed by Register.com?
> If you are employed by Register.com, then I can only guess that a deal
> must have been cut with you after your representations to me at
> Stockholm.  If you are employed by Register.com, I question your motives
> with the representations you made to me in Stockholm.
> I am an owner in domain name registration businesses and several ISP
> companies.
> I won't know what to think if you are in fact working for Register.com.
> Derek Conant
> DNSGA President and Chairman

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