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Re: [ga] Posting Rules of the General Assembly of the DNSO

Hello Bruce,

Not to get into a big debate on that, but to be technical, the
precedent set is that it is 5 posts per calendar day from midnight to
midnight your local time.

Not necessarily per 24 hour period (which could be abused by list
monitors claiming 10 posts between, say 5pm to 5pm, when in fact that
was 5 posts per calendar day and no other posts were made on either
calendar day by that person.

I know it may seem minor to you, but we have seen the list rules
misapplied in the past simply because a list monitor didn't like the
subject being discussed, and the less clear and concise the rules are,
including when they are brought up by those like yourself who have
been appointed list monitors, the more opportunity there is for those
rules to be misapplied.

Saturday, June 16, 2001, 5:56:16 AM, Bruce James wrote:

> Rules of order for the mailing lists of the General Assembly of the DNSO:

> Please be advised, there is a *FIVE* (5) post limit,  per list,  per
> *Twenty-Four* (24) hours.  The time is based on your local time. The *other*
> rules are listed here:

> http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/2000.GA-ga-rules-v0.4.html

>        The List Monitor Team
> General Assembly of the DNSO

> /Bruce-LM

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
Userfriendly.com Domains
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