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RE: [ga] "whois" survey


The question was badly formatted, IMO.  For instance, I have 
several names.  Some are commercial, some personal, some, non-
com, some non-profit, some "either/or," depending on point of view. 
 I could not in any way accurately respond to the question.  I had 
to use the text areas extensively.  

I honestly do not think the results of the survey can have any use 
for consensus and certainly not for statistics.  It is very biased and 
inaccurate, for one thing and interpretation of text would by 
necessity be subjective.


On 17 Jun 2001, at 11:36, Cade,Marilyn S - LGA wrote:

> Joop, how about including your comments in the comments section?  I took a
> look and I think it is hard to envision that a personal and governmental
> registration would be the same; or that a personal and commercial
> registration. I think that perhaps some might think that a non-commercial
> and personal registration might be the same, but I would really make a
> distinction in my own mind. For instance, I register a name for my
> "personal/individual" use, but I also register a different name for an ad
> hoc non-profit group I chair.... the latter is non-commercial or "other" in
> my mind, not personal.
> Was that example helpful as an illustration of what you were concerned
> about? I wasn't sure and wanted to better understand what your question was
> about the categories.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joop Teernstra [mailto:terastra@terabytz.co.nz]
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 9:24 PM
> To: ga@dnso.org
> Subject: Re: [ga] "whois" survey
> An example of the bias from the survey introductory text:
> "Names are also are registered by individuals who are holding names to 
> resell, or possibly use in the future. It is the disclosure of data about 
> individuals' registrations that has raised privacy issues."
> No mention is made of  the common occurrence of registration for actual 
> personal use in the present.
> Example of the restriction in choice:
> What was the general purpose of your registration:
> a.commercial
> b.governmental
> c.personal
> d.noncommercial organization
> e.other
> There is no possibility to tick more than one choice, while DNames could 
> have been registered for any or all of these purposes.
> Perhaps the survey can be adapted to correct these obvious shortcomings?
> --Joop--
> Founder of the Cyberspace Association.
> Former bootstrap of the IDNO (www.idno.org)
> Developer of    The Polling Booth
> www.democracy.org.nz
> --
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