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Re: [ga] Delay

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 21:05:05 -0400, you wrote:

>Dear members,
>Please be advised that we have encountered an unexpected delay regarding the
>nomination of a GA representative to the NC's Review Task Force.
>The explanation for such delay may be found at
>I would appreciate any comments, thoughts, suggestions on this topic.

SIgh - now the DNSO don't have the resources to even allow us to run
an election.  Sometimes I really wonder if it is all worth it.

I suggest to get around this we have a slightly less informal election
than for ga-chair.  This is an appt that Danny could make himself but
instead he has chosen to let the GA vote on.

Firstly the electoral college should just be the current ga@dnso.org
(and ga-full automatically) subscribers.  That one ballot paper can be
sent to the mailing list and that is it.

A voting address should be provided which goes to a couple of
scrutineers.  I would suggest Michael Froomkin and Kent Crispin if
they are willing.  if those two agree on the vote count we can be sure
it is correct :-)

The ballot paper will have a list of nominees and people vote for the
person they want.  The e-mail must be sent from the an address which
is subscribed to ga@dnso.org.  The person voting will also receive
back a confirmation of how they voted so this stops anyone voting on
behalf of someone else without their knowledge.

We open nominations for a week and have voting for a week so we should
get a result in just over two weeks.

That is my 2c worth.

ICQ 29964527
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  • References:
    • [ga] Delay
      • From: "Danny Younger" <webmaster@babybows.com>
    • [ga] Delay
      • From: "Danny Younger" <webmaster@babybows.com>

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