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Re: [ga] WIPO receives numerous responses on future domain name rules

It is for reasons like this that I am coming to believe that the GA has
no more pressing need than to destroy utterly the fallacious concept
that the U.S. Government, Network Solutions, Verisign, ICANN,
WIPO, or anyone else, has the slightest legal basis for messing with
duely granted registrations of domain names to anyone. The UDRP
is based on pure power, not law, and it should be hoped that the
entirety of domain name holders has more power than that whole
bunch put together.  (There are times that one can be proud of
being an attorney, but other times that one feels shame in being
associated with a bunch that would do this kind of thing to the
rights of ordinary citizens, and only for the almighty dollar.)

(Also cross-posted to ga-udrp)

Bill Lovell

Jeff Williams wrote:

> All assembly members,
>   The following is from the NCDNHC list.  I think you will find the URL
> interesting and worth your while to review closely:
> =======================================================
> The World Intellectual Property Organization has collected numerous
> comments
> from a variety of groups regarding the possible further extension of
> trademark protections for domain names--a move that some groups contend
> will
> hurt free speech.
> See
> http://www.internetdemocracyproject.org/#highlights
> Sincerely,
> Christopher Chiu
> Global Internet Liberty Campaign Organizer
> American Civil Liberties Union
> ---
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